Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cirque Berzerk

Rob Crites & Jenn Berry in a dolls on stilts piece that I give a 2 stilts up!

Stilt Dig Weed Dancer!

But the thing to really watch is when he decides to do a head stand and then get back on his feet!

A little You Tube Video for stilt walkers!

This little piece offers some thoughts about our other brother and sisters from Trinidad. Love it, live it, love them....feel it!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Vintage stilt images!

I love the above vintage add for stilts and accessories, it is such a great thing to know that this type of art form has existed for many a long time, I wish I had a copy of this catalog. Below is another image I found while searching the web for more of this artistic performance of mystery. I actually used the image for a benefit I had for a project titled "the Faith and Healing Tour" which is something that will still come to fruition when the time is right! The benefit was in Georgetown, Washington...and I lived there for 3 1/2 years, it's an old industrial part of Seattle and the buildings still look like the ones in the photo below.

All types of Event!

So these photos were taken by Philip Kramer at the ZAAZ company Christmas party that I worked providing ambiance to the part goers as they arrived. We, meaning the Petting Zoo Players, were asked to provide our stilt walking services on behalf of the Adventure School, who was hired to bring this party to life.
Stilt walkers always add a higher level of entertainment for all types of events.

It always intrigues me on the amount of enjoyment people receive from interacting with a stilt walker, and those that are wanting to learn....and in this near future I look to be the man willing to teach. I have already taught a few performers out there how to build, and walk on stilts, now the plan is to work on getting paid to teach we ALL can have more fun.

New Years Eve 2007!

photo image by Dave S.

So this New Years I was forwarded a gig by a mutual magician named Geoff Kanick and he pointed me towards a alcohol free and family event called Tacoma First Night. It was a great event, I help to provide 3 stilt walkers in which we shared our type of interactive theatrical ambiance. So Shannon Lindberg, Asraiya Deyo, and myself headed on down to Tacoma Washington to entertain the masses.....and we did, and they loved us, and we loved doing it.

photo taken by Joseph Kapler

This was the first time in my career as a entertainer since 1999 that I have ever been asked these various questions-

"Why did you choose this as a career?"
"What made you want to do this as a job?"
"Why did you decide to do something like as a source of income?"

photo by Joseph Kapler

To which I replied to those questions-
"Well after 37 years on this planet I figured it was about time for me to take a different perspective on my life and all that is around me!"

There was a great Reggae band that pretty much closed the show, I danced my butt of on stilts to the amazement of the crowd, and most likely have ended up in many a family albums.